Victor Choudhrie
God has pressed the reset button and changed everything in
the way we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28). Politics, governance,
administration, judiciary, media, educational system, the health system, the
way we work and spend family time, even our eating and sleeping habits and how
we entertain our visitors, all have drastically changed.
One does not have to be a
prophet or an End time biblical scholar to realize that the end of the “the
Church age” as we know it, and God is
back in the hearts and homes of the people, where he belongs.
What has Corona pandemic not changed? 1. Man’s need for salvation (Matt. 16:25-27), 2. To intercede for all the nations (Eze. 22:30), 3. The obligation to fulfil the Great Commission - to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt.28:19,20), 4. Yeshua to build His global Ekklesia with all nations, tongues and tribes (Matt. 16:18; Rev. 7:9,10), 5. The fulfilment of the prophecies regarding the end times, rapture and tribulation etc.(Joel 2:29-31; Rev. 6:12) , 6. Yeshua’s return to establish His millennial kingdom, the final judgment, create new heaven and new earth and tabernacle with men as Lord of lords and King of kings. (Heb. 9:27; Rev. 20:15-20; 21:1-3)
The missionary
sending, both foreign and indigenous, era have finally arrived. This does not
mean the end of the church or the missions, for they will continue till ‘telos’
‘end’ will come” (Matt. 24:14). However, the dawn of true Christianity and
Messianism has come.
God is sounding forth the gospel
from homes through the internet to the ends of the earth as never before.
Digital discipling which is a process, as distinct from mere evangelism, which
is an event, is taking place in all four corners of the earth. People of all
faiths are crying out to their gods and finding them unresponsive. So, they are
looking for others, and some are finding the One True God. Jews and Gentiles
(Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and others) are coming to Christ in numbers
unprecedented. God is radically restructuring and rebooting His church to reach
the last Gentile, so that there be no place left where Christ is not named.
So, how should the individual believers and corporate
churches be responding to such a situation. Some are closing down while others
are finding innovative ways. The digital church is now the new normal, not
confined within four walls but catering to wider audiences. The gospel is
sounding forth from homes to regions beyond through the internet. Biblical tithing consisted of sharing their tithe
of the produce of the field (food) with the widows, orphans, strangers and the
Levites (Deut. 14:22-29). Today, instead of tithing for church maintenance, Christians
are feeding the widows and orphans resulting from Covid, migrants and those who
have lost their bread winners and have become destitute and hungry. Satish Kumar’s mega Calvary church in
Hyderabad has now been converted into a 500 bedded Covid facility. Christians
are providing not only free treatment including medications, oxygen and even
food etc, but also sharing the gospel. This is now a truly holistic church
catering to body, mind and spirt of the hurting people.
The first century believers were the
only people in the whole world who had no church buildings, professional
clergy, pulpits, musical instruments or the collection box, not even the
printed Bibles, and no political or financial muscle power yet they grew
exponentially as they had the power of the Holy Spirit. They healed the sick,
cast out evil spirits and preached the gospel where Christ was not named. God
is radically restructuring the church, removing the stranglehold of
extra-biblical structures that have hindered its growth and multiplication. He
is rebooting the original New Testament model, that merges with the culture and
context of the people and resonates with the will of God the Farther. This is
all happening to get ready for the soon coming millennial Kingdom of Christ and
we shall reign with him in eternity.