
Showing posts from December 3, 2013

Action pieces from Luke-Acts

*From Galen Currah . What more do we have to learn? The methods that work best derive from the example of Jesus  and the narrative of the Book of Acts? A biblical theology of Luke-Acts would lay out all the principles and examples of best practices. Eventual action pieces include the following: Let five-fold gifted folk lead new cells and churches. Plant interactive 'training' churches that continually launch cell groups. Promote active, gifted workers to leadership, as they prove their competence. Send only experienced leaders as church planters and consultants. Find experienced nationals who implement and eschew politics. Train these and their lieutenants in multiplicative methods. Train all believers in community outreach and in sharing the Good News. Quickly make disciples of seekers and believers within new cell groups. Start new cell groups from existing ones, especially within households. Appoint as leaders those who show ability to implement agreed plans. ...