
Showing posts from June 5, 2014

PENTECOST: The day that changed the world forever

Today is the 2014 th Birthday of the church. Pentecost was a harvest festival. Jesus converted it into harvest of souls. Jews believe that that the Old Covenant was given to Moses around 3500 years ago in the wilderness on this day when they were appointed to be the kingdom priests to all the nations of the earth. Exodus19:5, 6. 40 days after the Passover Jesus commanded the 500 who came to witness his ascension to wait in Jerusalem until the power from on high has come. 1 Cor. 15:6 Only 120 men and women obeyed. The Holy Spirit came as tongues of fire on them. Acts 1:14, 15; 2:1-3 Peter gave a short exhortation and people from every nation under the heaven heard the gospel message in their own native tongues. Acts 2:5 They asked what shall we do? Peter commanded them to repent, be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit for the transformation of their own families and for the transformation of Gentiles. Acts 2:37-39 3000 families, (Jews only counted the men...