PENTECOST: The day that changed the world forever
Today is the 2014th Birthday of
the church.
Pentecost was a harvest festival. Jesus
converted it into harvest of souls.
Jews believe that that the Old Covenant was
given to Moses around 3500 years ago in the wilderness on this day when they
were appointed to be the kingdom priests to all the nations of the earth.
Exodus19:5, 6.
40 days after the Passover Jesus commanded
the 500 who came to witness his ascension to wait in Jerusalem until the power
from on high has come. 1 Cor. 15:6
Only 120 men and women obeyed. The Holy
Spirit came as tongues of fire on them. Acts 1:14, 15; 2:1-3
Peter gave a short exhortation and people
from every nation under the heaven heard the gospel message in their own native
tongues. Acts 2:5
They asked what shall we do? Peter commanded
them to repent, be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit for the transformation
of their own families and for the transformation of Gentiles. Acts 2:37-39
3000 families, (Jews only counted the men),
were baptized the same day in the name of Jesus. Acts 2:41
Immediately after this they met in small
groups where they had interactive apostolic teachings (not sermons); fellowship
(koinonia= purpose oriented fellowship); intercessory prayers for the
redemption of the lost people (those who sat in darkness and in the shadows of
death); signs and miracles; sharing of material blessings with the needy, so
much so that there were no more needy among them; they went fishing first in
the temple and later at other places and brought seekers to their homes and
broke bread (ate food) and shared the whole wisdom of God from house to house. (Acts
2: 42-47)
The net result was that the Lord added new
believers to their numbers daily.
This is how our mother church, the original
church functioned. It was planted by disciples as trained to do so by the
Master himself.
If this model would have been followed, the
ends of the earth would have been reached a long time ago.
Evaluate your church on the basis of the
New Testament model and see what is missing and take steps to rectify them.
This will require a complete paradigm shift.
If they are not willing to change then find
the nearest exit door and like Jesus and his disciples go out and seek and save
the lost (your oikos = extended household, neighbours, friends, workmates and
others) and make them disciples, equip them in apologetics (how to defend their
faith in the midst of a hostile world) and fulfil the Great Commission so that
they can also go out and make reproducing disciples. Luke 19:10; 1 Peter 3:15;
Titus 1:9
The New Testament church does not require
special building, special place, special day, special person, special music or
special politics or special collection box. Jesus will accept anyone, any
place, any day, any gender and any age. From the rising of the sun to its going
down, He will be most happy to receive broken and contrite hearts being offered
as living sacrifice in a Gentile home. And the angels will be hip hopping all
over heaven. Malachi 1:11
Remember where 2 or 3 gather together in
his name, Jesus is present in their midst and it constitutes a church. Matt.
Your ministry should result in your
city/nation filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters
cover the sea. Hab. 2:14
Here is good definition of a church: It is a
place where the lost are sought and brought to repent, get baptized, empowered,
equipped and sent out as fishers of men to repeat the whole process wherever
God has placed them. Matt. 28:18-20
Here is another one: The church is a
factory where the raw material is a sinner and the final product is saint that
goes out to start another factory.
Anything less is flawed.
So celebrate this Pentecost ( 2nd
to 8th of June 2014) and every Pentecost with baptism of at least 3000
souls. If Peter could do it without any of the modern day facilities, then why
not you? After all, you believe in a God for whom nothing is impossible and it
is the same Holy Spirit that is operating today. All you need is a good kick in
the b.... to get you out of the pew and celebrate Peter style Pentecost.