The Corona Church
The word Corona comes from crown and is also about a ring of light. Both are attributes of Jesus? So, Corona church could be the new move of God to restore his church. Governments enforcing lock downs on all large gathering, religious meetings, including churches, may be bad news for the highly commercialised religious industry. However, it could mean that after centuries of patiently waiting, God is finally disenfranchising the monopoly of the dysfunctional church and restoring the original “Household of God” back in the homes of the people, as it was in the beginning (Eph. 2:19,20). The sole purpose of the church is to save souls by equipping the saints (believers) for the work of the ministry for the edification (growth and multiplication) of the Kingdom of God, here on planet earth (Eph. 4:11-13). God, in his economy is using an invisible microscopic virus to lock down the doors of the mighty, edifice-centred, clergy-driven, calling song and dance as worship, tithe depen...