The Corona Church

The word Corona comes from crown and is also about a ring of light. Both are attributes of Jesus? So, Corona church could be the new move of God to restore his church. Governments enforcing lock downs on all large gathering, religious meetings, including churches, may be bad news for the highly commercialised religious industry. However, it could mean that after centuries of patiently waiting, God is finally disenfranchising the monopoly of the dysfunctional church and restoring the original “Household of God” back in the homes of the people, as it was in the beginning (Eph. 2:19,20). 

The sole purpose of the church is to save souls by equipping the saints (believers) for the work of the ministry for the edification (growth and multiplication) of the Kingdom of God, here on planet earth (Eph. 4:11-13). God, in his economy is using an invisible microscopic virus to lock down the doors of the mighty, edifice-centred, clergy-driven, calling song and dance as worship, tithe dependent, corporate Sunday enterprise. This kind of church is not to be found in the pages of the Scriptures. This man-made structure, miserably failed to fulfil its mandate - “Go and make disciples of all nations-by being his witnesses to the ends of the earth” (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)

Many such churches are calling for all night prayers, fasts and vigils etc. but God refuses to be ‘inquired’ of them because they want to maintain status quo and refuse to change and align themselves with the Kingdom agenda of God (Ezekiel. 20:1-3). In fact, some such gatherings resulted in the spread of the pestilence and some people and pastors had to be quarantined. Out of the 600,000 Israelites that crossed the Red sea, only two – Joshua and Caleb, made it to the other side of the river Jordan. The rest perished in the wilderness. Beware, not all Christians, but only a remnant, saints (soul savers), whose names are written in the Book of the Lamb will be Raptured. (Psalm 50:5; Rev. 20:12,15).

Today many, even in these churches have Issachar anointing (1 Chron 12:32), men that have understanding that the times of the traditional church is over, and to know that we need to repent, reflect and help restore the “Household of God”, opening our homes and kitchens for breaking bread and sharing the whole wisdom of God with neighbours, friends, colleagues and strangers (Acts 2:46,47; 20:20,27; Malachi 3:16). This process has been going on for the last few decades and millions have entered into the Promised Land (Kingdom) through these invisible and inaudible simple house churches, worldwide, spearheaded by China and now in India and in many African countries and even in the rogue countries of the Middle-East. But now it is time for it go viral. 

We know that the most powerful church is the microscopic church where two or three, gather in his name because Jesus himself is present (Matt. 18:18-20). Perhaps this micro-mini Corona church orchestrated by God from China, may prove to be God’s solution for the quickest and most cost-effective way to make the gospel go viral and become pandemic and fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Hab. 2:14).


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