
Showing posts from April 6, 2007


Dear Brian, I am beginning to enjoy your sermons, especially your passion for sound doctrine and teachers. I have no problem with teachers or with sound doctrines. My problem is the delivery method. Sermons amount to monologue. The example you quote about Paul giving an all night sermon is an interesting point. Actually the disciples got together to have a meal on Saturday night and had it at least three times, early in the evening after breaking Sabbath, a second one after the commotion of the fall of Eutichus and probably a third one when Paul left early in the morning by ship. First day of the week is not Sunday morning for giving sermons. The Greek word used for preaching is dialegomai which means to discuss, dialogue, dispute, argue, reason etc. It has nothing to do with what we call sermon today. Jesus is accused of giving a sermon on the mount which does not last a couple of minutes to repeat.  Peter gave a three minute "sermon" and 3...