
Showing posts from June 19, 2014

Sacrifice Centred Prayer/Worship

Timotiyos I 2:1-4 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB) 1.     I urge, therefore, of first importance, davening, techinnah (supplication), tefillah (prayer), bakkashot (petitions), and hodayah (thanksgiving) be made on behalf of kol Bnei Adam (all mankind), 2.   On behalf of malchei eretz (kings) and on behalf of all the ones in authority, that we may lead a life of chayyei menuchah (life of rest) in all chasidus (piety) and yirat Shomayim (reverence). 3.   This is good and acceptable before Hashem Moshieynu, 4.   Who wants kol Bnei Adam to have Yeshu’at Eloheynu (the Salvation of our G-d) and to come to da’as HaEmes  (knowledge of the truth). 1st Prayer: Techinnah (Supplication/petitions/begging) Old Covenant: A repentant soul pleading for forgiveness of his sins. He redeemed (purchased or paid ransom) his soul by offering the blood and the body of a lamb at the altar.  Lev. 7:11-16 New Covenant: Jesus has purchased us with his...