Yeshua is the Gospel of the Kingdom: Yeshua announced the Kingdom; that
entrance is through repentance, being born again and doing the will of the Father (Matt.
4:17; 4:21; John 3:3-5). He gave power and authority to his disciples to preach
the Kingdom and gave them a mandate to make disciples of all
nations (Luke 9:1-3; Matt. 28:19). He taught Kingdom prayers,
“Thy Kingdom come on earth” (Matt. 6:10). Like God who taught Torah to
Moses for 40 days, he taught his disciples about the Kingdom for
40 days (Acts 1:3). He prioritized the Kingdom, “Seek ye first
the Kingdom of God” (Matt. 6:33). He defined the Kingdom “Wherever
he is, even if only 2 or 3 are gathered” and unfolded the purpose, “Christ
in you is the hope of glory of the Gentiles” (Matt. 18:18-20; Luke 17:21; Col
1:27). The expression “Kingdom of God” comes 162 times in the NT, while Yeshua
used the word “Church” only 3 times. A Kingdom has a King and his people,
who obey His constitution (John 14:15). Yeshua and his disciples demonstrated
the Kingdom in their daily road shows through healing, deliverance and demolishing
devil’s strongholds (Matt.12:28,29). He prophesied, “This Gospel of the Kingdom
will be preached in all the world… and then the end will come” (Matt. 24:14). He
ordained the Households of God as the platform for advancing his Kingdom.
2. Yeshua a Master Equipper: God values a soul, any soul, more
than all the wealth of all the billionaires of this world stacked up together (Matt.
16:26). Therefore, he sent Yeshua to seek and save the lost souls (Luke 19:10).
He values saving of one lost soul more than 99 Christians making a joyful noise
in the church (Luke 15:7,10). Needless to add that the sole business
of the Household of God, is to save souls. To this purpose, Yeshua said, “I
will build my Ecclesia” (Matt. 16:18). He
gave the mandate to this church, “Go and make disciples of all nations,
baptize, equip and send them on (Matt. 28:18-20). To fulfill that goal, he gave
five-fold ministry equippers to His Ecclesia (apostles, prophets,
evangelists, shepherds and teachers) to equip saints (soul winners) until
the saints themselves become equippers (Eph. 4:11-13; 2Timothy 2:2). The agenda
of the Household of God is to equip disciple-makers, church-planters,
kingdom colonizers and movement catalyzers, until “All the kingdoms of this
world have become the Kingdom of our Lord and His Messiah…” (Acts 6:7;
16:5; Rev. 11:15)
3. The Return of the Prodigal: Overtime this pattern metamorphosed
into a man-made dysfunctional creature called the Sunday church. It replaced Equippers
with Clergy (Roman town clerk); soul saving Saints with non-performing
Laity; and Equipping with empty praise and worship. It has
now become merely a center of weekly entertainment for the laity and a source
of income generation for its leaders. This pattern is not to be found in any of
the 31,102 verses of the Scriptures. It suffers from total disconnect with the
lost, and any church that does not proactively seek and save the lost, has lost
it’s mandate, making it a fake church.
So, after centuries of being lost in the wilderness
of unscriptural denominations, the simple “Household of God” (House church,
Simple church, Organic church etc.) is back with vengeance to finish the unfinished
agenda of planting the Kingdom of God among nations, tongues and tribes,
in every human habitation. (Eph. 2:19,20). The Greek word “oikos” in the
Scriptures does not mean brick and mortar house but a household of believers. (1Cor.
4. According to the Pattern shown: Since it failed to deliver, Yeshua
is now taking his church back from the Clergy and giving it back to the soul
saving Saints, to build his Ecclesia, according to the equipping pattern shown
by him to his disciples. For this purpose, He is shifting from - from offering
empty praise and worship in the sanctuary to offering broken and contrite
hearts in Gentile homes (Mal. 1:11); from ritualistic to relational; from the formality
of the Holy Communion to intimacy of breaking bread from house to house (Acts
2:46,47); from the pulpit to the pews; from monologue sermons to dialogue (Acts
19:8-10); from spectators to participators; from inform to perform, from
entertaining the laity to equipping the saints for ministry (Eph. 4:11-12), from
paid professionals to bi-vocationals, from OT tithe to NT freewill offering; from dead organization
to living organism (Bride) and from static to multiplier.
5. Worship places shifting: Jews believed that worship can take
place only in the Jerusalem temple by offering animal sacrifice. Some 2000 year
ago, Jesus took the worship from the sanctuary and out into the open, even into
homes of tax collectors and sinners. But for some church crawlers, it is
difficult to believe that “worship in spirit and in truth”, by offering a
whole village of Samaritan pagans, can take place out in the open (John 4:23). The
Samaritan woman knew a little but practiced what little she knew and changed
her world. Today, myriads of new believers from other faiths are being
liberated, realigned and released as Kingdom colonizers to
reclaim the territories usurped by Satan. They know only a little but put into
practice what little they know. They are radically changing the spiritual
profile of their worlds.
They do not pray from the comfort
zones of their homes, churches, upper rooms and prayer towers but go and engage
the enemy. Ecclesia is trending to be multi-site army units, camping in homes, offices,
schools, hospitals, farms, factories, parks, even jails and brothels, turning
them into discipling centers for a multi-pronged attack. They are in the enemy
territory and when persecuted, they pray for boldness and take steps for kingdomization
of annexed territories. Ecclesia is praying, proclaiming and possessing enemy
territories. (Acts 4:29,30)
6. World demographics is shifting: The rapidly replicating “anywhere
and anytime” simple Households of God, led by anyone, “with faith the
size of a mustard seed,” are racing towards the finish line. It is leaving
behind the church addicted non-performing Christians that never win a soul. They
in their revival meetings, yell at God to do something, without themselves
doing anything, not even witnessing to their own friends and colleagues. So, God is doing a new thing. New believers from hostile
nations - Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Animists and Atheists are, “Filling the
earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the water covers the sea.”
They are catalyzing global movements towards Christ, changing the spiritual contour
of planet earth. Soon Communist China, Hindu India, Islamic Middle East, Animistic
Africa and many hostile nations will become the epicenters of Christianity. (Rom.
15:19-20; Hab. 2:14)
7. Teaching shifting from Bible schools
to Modeling: Yeshua
taught by modeling in the harvest field and made disciples that went and turned
the word upside down. Theologians give lectures (the most ineffective way of
communicating) in classrooms, that produce pulpiteers that turn laity into
program/event managers, worship leaders and budget balancers, all being irrelevant
for Kingdom advance on earth. On the other hand, practitioners equip the
saints to be work-place ministers. Their training module being, “Imitate me as
I imitate Christ” (1Cor. 11:1). Focus is shifting from teaching Ecclesiastical
garbage, to adding practical discipling tools to their tool belts, like the
Great Commission, spiritual warfare, finding person of peace, disciple-making, multiplication,
apologetics - how to proactively engage people of other faiths etc. The interactive
dynamic of a small mixed group of believers, unbelievers and seekers, is greatly
enhancing the ability to convict, convince and convert those who contradict. A healthy
church consists of two main sets of people, Equippers and those being
equipped for soul saving ministries, the others are entertainers or mere spectators. (Eph.
4:11,12; Titus 1:9)
8. New wineskins replacing old wineskins: A Christian is no longer known by
his denominational loyalty, rather as a networker of Households of God. These
movers and shakers are igniting movements that dwarf the present-day
mega-churches. The old wineskins will burst if they tried to contain the bubbling
new wine. Instead of gathering under one roof, they gather under thousands of
roofs, instead of one superstar preacher they have myriads of facilitators,
instead of big buck budgets, they recycle local resources and finally unlike
the elephantine mega-churches, the mini churches, breed like the rabbit. (Mark
9. Vocation changing: Instead of aspiring to be pastors, priests,
clerics, worship leaders, reverends, bishops, cardinals and Pope, sitting on
top of the hierarchical pile, trying to displace Christ as the Head of the
Church; new comers are aspiring to be, laborers in the harvest field, fishers
of men, abundant seed sowers and fruit gatherers and seekers of lost sheep etc.
They are not confined to one congregation, but rather like the Roman Clergy (Town
clerk), shepherd the whole city (Acts 19:39). They equip and empower those
inside, to seek and save those outside the fold (John 10:16). Identifying their
roles as Great Commissioners, church planters, disciple-makers, apostles,
prophets, ambassadors, spiritual fathers and Royal Priests etc.
10. Persecution spiking: Exponential growth is unleashing inhuman
atrocities, which will climax at the second coming of Christ. Even as thousands
of Christians are being killed, many are denying their faith (Rev. 12:11).
Persecution is forcing gatherings to scatter and go below the radar and like
cancer cells, metastasize (spread) rapidly to other sites. Multiplying rapidly
and remaining small, provides safely and proves more productive. Persecution is
a blessing in disguise as it fuels multiplication of the church. Oddly, some of
the boldest invaders of the enemy territory are the persecuted. Many end-time predictions
like the ‘aliya’, or the return of the Jews to Judea after 2000 years (Eze.
20:34), increase in knowledge, going to and fro (Dan. 12:1-4), nations against
nations, wars and rumors of war, false prophets, eclipses, blood moons,
asteroids heading towards the earth, floods fires, famines, Tsunamis, earthquakes,
epidemics, ethical and moral degradation etc. are being rapidly fulfilled.
Yeshua said, “This is just the trailer (beginning of sorrows).” So, get ready for
the real show. (Matt. Chap 24)
11. Tithe is changing from
cash to food: The church has been fraudulently
collecting cash as tithe from ignorant believers. Jewish farmers offered their Tithe
(food items like animals, grains, first fruits, oil and wine etc.) at the
temple three times a year and then ate it with the widows, the orphans, strangers
and the Levites (Deut. 14:22-29). The priests got only the tithe of the tithe (Neh.
10:38). The others gave Freewill offering for reaping the harvest (2Cor.
9:6,7). Now we share our food and
other blessings, with newcomers to reap the harvest. (1Cor.
12. Racists, reverends, gender benders and teachers of truncated
gospel are out: God
promised that in the last days he will pour out his spirit on all flesh, “Your
sons and your daughters, your menservants and maidservants shall prophesy…” (Joel 2:28,29). Yeshua chose and ordained every
believer to bring forth abundant reproducing fruit (John 15:8,16). In the Household
of God, there are no strangers and foreigners (Eph. 2:18,19). Men, women
and youth, all participate as equals, “There is neither Jew
nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Yeshua. If
you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs...” While the fake
church is imploding from within due to rampant corruption, the Household of God’s leadership is trending to be multi-ethnic,
multi-gender and transgenerational. (Gal. 3:27-29)
13. Digital church: Digital dementia is now pandemic, afflicting both, saints
and the sinners alike. Jesus had prophesied “if you remain silent, the very
stones (silicone chips) will cry out” (Luke 19:40). Hence, a significant part
of the earthbound brick and mortar church is shifting into cyber-space through Internet,
Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube and Skype etc. Now you can directly email
your prayers to God. Using a simple cellphone, a lot of coaching, discipling, networking,
even healing and deliverance ministries are trending to be the norm. TV and Social
media are reinventing and revitalizing the church and advancing the Kingdom
by reaching millions of netizens with the Gospel, even in rogue countries, transforming
people, who would never come to the church otherwise.
14. Get ready for the Banquet: People of other faiths, especially the
Sons of Ishmael are having direct encounter with Yeshua through dreams and
visions. A church is no longer known by how many that come; rather how many that
are sent out as disciple-makers. They are not just motor mouths dishing out empty
words, but also break bread from house to house and serve a variety of
mouth-watering spicy dishes. The Household of God is trending to be
multi-cuisine, barbeque, potluck gathering - a foretaste of the banquet being
prepared at the second coming of the Lord. Not all Christians, but only the fruitful
ones (soul winners), whose names are written in the Book of the Lamb, will be
invited to the Banquet. (Rev. 20:12,15; Mat. 7:20)
15. Leaders must humble themselves and learn to
navigate the trends, otherwise they won't be left with
much to lead. If you ever hope to fulfil the mandate to disciple all the 16,300
ethnic groups, 6500 languages and 2.5 million villages of the world, then
change is your friend and the only option. Yeshua promised, “I will build my
church.” He is now radically
restructuring the architecture of his church. Do not be deceived, no one, not
even David, the man after God’s own heart, made it to heaven, because the
heaven is coming down here on earth (Rev. 21:3; John 3:13; Acts 2:29,34; 13:32).
He is once again using his Households as the launching pad for planting
his Kingdom of love, joy, peace, justice, equality and dignity, to bless
every human habitation on planet earth, “until all the kingdoms of this world
have become the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ.” (Rev. 11:15)
Only those faithful stewards who resonate with his will and make a
radical paradigm shift will have the privilege to reign with him as priests and
kings on planet earth. (Rev. 5:9,10; 19:16).