What can we learn from GFA model?
of you must have heard that Gospel for Asia (GFA) raised US $93 million in 2013,
of which it has been asked by a US court to return 37 million back to the
donors. We are not here to go into the merits of the case or to condemn them but
simply to learn lessons from it. We know that corruption is rampant in the
church, it is not new. The seven model churches in the Book of Revelation were
evaluated by Jesus, “I know thy works…” and found them wanting. Long before
that, even the first man Adam had problem of disobedience. Even after the
flood, Nimrod in Babylon acquired divine attributes and tried to defy God’s
command to Noah, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth” by building a
tower to stop people from scattering (Genesis 9:1; 11:4).
500 BC, while in Diaspora in Babylon, the first synagogues were established,
which God had not mandated. Later the free worship was replaced with structured
and formalized prayers to be recited. The leadership was taken over by Rabbis
and Pharisees, while the Temple was controlled by the Sadducees. All this was done
in defiance of God’s command to Israel to teach the Laws and the Prophets to
their children and grandchildren in the informal and intimate environment of
their homes, so that your days may be prolonged,
“These words I am commanding you today are to be upon your hearts. And
you shall teach them diligently to your children and grandchildren and speak of them when
you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and
when you get up.” (Deut. 6:1-9) So the simple house church is not
a new kid on the block, but God’s most effective and productive original
strategy for using the household as a launching pad for advancing his kingdom.
Eph. 2:19,20
is mentioned 293 times in the Scriptures and is condemned in the Book of
are we really in a position to condemn the Babylonian church if we have defied
Jesus’ command to, “Go, make disciples of all nations, baptize, teach
obedience and send them to the ends of the earth to be my witnesses”?
(Matt. 28:19; Acts 1:8). We have also built religious towers to stop people
from scattering, given divine attributes to our leaders as Reverends (meaning
worthy of reverence – a title reserved solely for Sovereign God – Psalm 111:9
Gospel for Asia, established in 1979, is engaged in pioneer
evangelism and church planting in the 10/40 Window. More than 13,000 national
workers in eight nations, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Nepal,
Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, have established 17,500 church fellowships and mission
stations in the last ten years. Gospel for Asia also operates 128 Bible schools
on the Indian subcontinent, where nearly 7,000 young men and women are
preparing for pioneer ministry.
Impressive figures but even a cursory look shows that 13,000
“workers” planted only 17,500 “church fellowships” implying they are not
full-fledged churches hence do not multiply. That is why, only 1.5 church-fellowships
per worker in ten years. Amazing performance by trainees of 128 top-notch seminaries!
Sounds like a lot of feathers but no chicken in this Indian curry.
We need to learn that Theology i.e. knowledge of God as taught
in the seminaries by theologians, produces theologians, not disciple-makers. At
best, it can only produce pulpit orators for captive audiences. If you go for
higher studies, then you can become a leader and train more such leaders, give keynote
addresses in conferences and raise funds, without ever winning a soul.
While The Great Commission School offers the following
courses by experienced practitioners: 1. Fisherman: How to be prolific
fisher of two-legged fish (Matt. 4:19); 2. Harvester: How to reap
harvest of souls (Luke 10:2); 3. Horticulturist: How to bring forth abundant
fruit (John 15:1-8,16); 4. Shepherd: How to seek and save the lost sheep
(Luke 19:10); 5.Terminator: How to demolish and plunder the gates of
Hell (Matt. 16:19). 6. Advanced courses: on how to be an Apostle,
Prophet, Ambassador, Royal Priest and Apologetics with ability to convict and
convert opposers.
We need to learn that it is missiology i.e. discipling skills
taught by practitioners in the harvest field that produces effective disciple-makers
and church-planters, who advance the Kingdom.
claims to support over 16,500 church planters in 10 countries across Asia who
it says established about 30,000 churches among unreached villages and people
groups. The organization also trains native missionaries at its 54 Bible
look very impressive, but again a casual look at the stats reveal that 16,500
church planters, established only 30,000 churches presumably in 10 years, that
is not even two churches per church planter. What kind of product these 54
Bible colleges are producing? Further, there is no mention of new believers baptized by their graduates or was the
growth by sheep stealing?
The metrics of evaluation of a church is based on the Great
Commission: How many disciples made, baptized, taught obedience and sent out to
reproduce (Matt. 28:19; John 20:21). It is not how many that come to your
church but how many that are sent out that counts.
While there are dumb donors, there will be hijackers to
capture the money market. Sadly, there are plenty of both. We need to learn
that the present explosive growth and multiplication of disciples in 10/40
Window countries including India, is the fruit of the labors of the
first-generation believers who are also paying the price, as shown by
escalating persecution. The GFA model amply shows that Disciple making Movement
(DMM) and Church Planting Movement (CPM) that are essential requirement for changing
the spiritual profile of a nation, has little to do with highly qualified theologians
trained in seminaries, or high-profile dollar-intensive missions.
Whereas, DMM/CPM has everything to do with the New Testament
model of breaking bread and sharing the whole wisdom of God from house to
house. Acts 2:46,47;
While some funding may be necessary for kickstarting a
“Movement” but please before parting with your hard-earned cash, at least check
which model are you funding, the non-performing Babylonian one or the rapidly
reproducing New Testament one?
If we are serious about bringing the Kingdom of God on earth,
are we ready for a mega-shift in the way we do church? It matters little, whether
we do it or not, because Father God is already doing it, using the humble first-generation
believers. It is in our interest to join the band-wagon.