Muslim Apologetics

Qurbani (Sacrifice)

1.       Qurbani is the central theme of Abrahamic religions e.g. of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Hindus and indigenous tribals also practice it.

2.       When Adam and Eve disobeyed and sinned, God himself sacrificed an innocent animal to cover the naked bodies of Adam and Eve.

3.       Cain offered bloodless grain sacrifice which was rejected but Able offered animal sacrifice which was accepted by God.

4.       Noah built an altar and offered sacrifices of seven clean animals and God made a covenant with him.

5.       Abram was tested by God to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. Abraham obeyed but at the last moment God provided a substitute ram for sacrifice. Later Ibrahim walked the length and breadth of the land of Canaan that God had given him and his descendants, built altars where he offered sacrifices.

6.       On the last day of their slavery in Egypt, the Israelis sacrificed a lamb in their homes and the householder became priest, protector and provider of his family.

7.       During their sojourn with Moses in the wilderness, they built a tabernacle where they worshipped God by first offering daily sacrifice and then incense and prayed. They continued offering perfect lambs without any defects for the atonement of their own sins, at least three times a year. God called the temple, “A house of Sacrifice” and Jesus called it “House of prayer for all nations.” Exodus 29:42; 2Chron 7:12; Mark 11:17

8.       But the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies only once a year to offer the blood of an animal for the atonement of the sins of the nation of Israel, which was burnt outside the camp. Hebrew 13:11

9.       The scripture says, “There is no redemption from sin without the shedding of blood.” To save their souls they offered animal sacrifice for the redemption of their sins.

10.   Jesus then came as the perfect lamb of God and offered himself as the full and final sacrifice on the cross and shed his sinless blood for the atonement of the sins of all humankind, all those who would receive him as the Son of God and the saviour of their souls.

11.   We have been bought by the blood of the Lamb that makes us priests and kings and we shall reign on earth for eternity.

12.   However, Qurbani does not end there. Now each one of us has to offer our bodies and minds as reasonable worship so that we can walk according to the will of the Father, which is that “none should perish.”

13.   Scripture enjoins priesthood of all believers. As priests (Kahin) we minister to God by offering broken and contrite hearts (repented, baptized and empowered with the Holy Spirit) lost sheep as our ministry.

14.   Now as a memorial of his Qurbani, during our Jamats (Assembly), we break bread symbolizing his Body being broken, for we are healed by his stripes, and we drink a sip of wine symbolizing his blood shed for the atonement of our sins.

15.   Every Jamaat of believers is now the “kurban gah” (altar) and “du aka makaan” (house of prayer) for all nations, tongues and tribes.


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